Do you know about the ABC’s of Housekeeping?
저희 Housekeeping 에서는 모든 룸 어텐던트들을 대상으로 ABC’s of Housekeeping 프로그램을 이용한 교육을 실시하고 있습니다. Housekeeping ABC’s는 호텔의 스탠다드를 유지하며 일관된 서비스를 제공함으로써, 고객들에게는 편안하고 청결한 객실을 제공합니다. Housekeeping ABC’s의 순서는 아래와 같습니다.
The Housekeeping Team at Sheraton Incheon conducts the ABC’s of Housekeeping Training session for all room attendants to maintain the brand standard and provide the consistent service to our guests. Please see below to understand what ABC’s stand for.
A: Away with the old
B: Bed
C: Cleaning Chemicals
D: Dusting
E: Everything in the Bathroom
F: Finish the Bedroom
By Rica Hong, Housekeeping