AS 모나코 FC 내한 / AS Monaco FC in Korea

AS모나코 FC가 인천유나이티드 FC와의 친선경기를 위해 내한하였습니다. AS모나코 FC 기 라콤브 감독과 AS모나코 FC 소속 우리나라 국가대표팀 박주영 선수를 비롯한 AS모나코 FC 선수단은 기자회견을 가진 후 쉐라톤 인천에 머물면서 휴식을 취했습니다. AS모나코 선수단은 호텔에 활력을 불어넣어주었고, 덕분에 프론트 오피스 팀도 힘찬 한 달을 보냈습니다. 7월 11일 인천 문학경기장에서 펼쳐진 경기는 2대 2 무승부로 종료되었습니다.

AS Monaco Football Club visited Korea for the friendly match with Incheon United FC. Mr. Guy Lacombe, AS Monaco FC coach, Park Ju-young, a member of Korea national soccer team, and AS Monaco FC members had a press conference at first. After all of official events, they stayed at the Sheraton Incheon Hotel for a peaceful break-away. As AS Monaco FC players gave us a boost during their stay, the Front Office Team also had an enjoyable month of June 2010 with the enthusiasm they showed. Also, there was a special match of AS Monaco FC with Incheon United FC on July 11th; the final score was 2 to 2.

By Audrey Kim, Front Office