Sheraton 인천호텔이 2010년 WORLD TRAVEL AWARDS (의 아시아지역 후보 호텔로 지정되어 현재 세계적인 호텔들과 명성을 걸고 그 우위를 겨루고 있습니다. WORLD TRAVEL AWARD 2010 은 세계에서 가장 권위 있고 영향력 있는 세계 여행산업의 대표적인 시상 프로그램입니다.
1. 인터넷 주소창에 www.worldtravelawards.com를 입력 후 "Vote" 를 클릭 합니다.
2. 본인의 ID 와PW 를 생성합니다.
3. Asia’s new Leading Hotel 을 클릭저희 Shraton Incheon Hotel 클릭
4. 투표를 하신 후 홈페이지 로그아웃 하시면 고객님들의 소중한 한 표가 적립됩니다.
Sheraton 인천 호텔의 세계적인 도약을 위해 여러분들의 많은 관심 부탁 드립니다.
Sheraton Incheon Hotel has been nominated on WORLD TRAVEL AWARDS 2010. ( It is the most comprehensive, the biggest and the most prestigious award program in the travel industry worldwide, and it has been to encourage world-class competition, stimulate innovation and creativity as well as ensure that travelers receive exceptional value.
How to vote: Please register for an account. This will enable you to login and cast your vote up to the closing date for each region. You may change your votes at any time, up to the closing date.
1. Visit
2. Create your own ID & PW
3. Click Asia’s new Leading Hotel and find Sheraton Incheon Hotel
4. Continue the process until you have reached the end of your selected.
5. Once you have completed a region select another to continue voting.
6. When you have finished voting, log out of the system. Your votes and been saved and you may return at any time to change them
It absolutely will be a great opportunity us to grow up on high qualified service hotel in the world.
By Lauren Kim, Human Resources